| English | Malay |


Step 1
Select categories 

Step 2
Choose any item you want

 Step 3
Click 'click here for details' to see the item's descriptions
Step 4
Email/message to me to confirm the item's availability


Step 5
After I have confirm the item's availability, you can make payment to my Maybank account & inform me via email/message (I'll reply email faster than message)

Maybank account number: 114084504546 (Rahimah bt Mohammed)

You have 3 options to inform me, whether by Gmail or Yahoo Mail! or Message

Email to me via Gmail with the same details:


Yahoo! Mail with the same details:


Send me a message (HP): 017-4859895 (with the same details too)

Your email/message must include:

*Total prices you've paid include postage
*The item code
*You've banked in on ...
 *Your address

PLEASE NOTE THAT: Incomplete details may affect the delivery of your item

You can know the postage's price at Postage Details

Step 6
Items reach your doorstep :D